Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Well Christmas 2013 is past us. We had an awesome time. Christmas Eve we attended church service at New Vision Community Church, then a wonderful seven fish dinner at the Gammichia's. Christmas day Alan, Jaime,Rusty,Ada, and Nora spent the early afternoon at the pool in our campground. Then dinner at Cody and Sarah's. We had secret Santa's gift exchange and so much food to eat. A fun day was had by all.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Domino's @ the campsite

Playing dominos and having fun.

Another great day in the upper eighties, actually turned the AC on today. Upper picture is Janet enjoying the weather (in the shade). Second pic is Rusty cooling it in the AC with a cool beverage watching the Tampa Bay/Rams game. Notice the Christmas tree next to Rusty?

Alan, Jaime and the grandchildren left this morning. Just got a text they are entering NC, they are driving straight through, I think. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Indian River Oranges

OMG you would not believe how long it has taken me to download this picture off my phone. These oranges were JUMBO so we took a picture. We bought several different kinds of oranges and some Red Ruby grapefruit, yumm! Can't wait to have one. The weather has warmed up, it got up to 75 degrees today. Last night of cool weather for a few days. Christmas is approaching soon, hardly seems possible. But we can't wait to get together with everyone. Rusty is coming this weekend, yahoo!  

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dinner in Lakeland Florida

This evening we visited Cody and Sarah in Lakeland at their new home. They have a beautiful place not too far from the college where they work. We enjoyed a nice dinner and conversation with them. Cody also helped me out with some computer problems I was having, thanks Cody! and thanks Sarah for having us for dinner. Looking forward to getting together again.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hand Sanitizer

I forgot to mention the other day, Rusty and I decided to go to the grocery store to get some fixins for the grill for dinner. We get into my truck and immediately Rusty reaches in the center console and pulls out the hand sanitizer (see picture), I don't think much of it, he wants to sanitize his hands, right? Wrong, through my peripheral vision I see his hand going toward his mouth. Before I can spit the words out that "its not breath freshener" he sprays. Needless to say we had a good laugh over it, guess you had to be there!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Davenport Florida

Janet and I left Delaware December 12th, 2013. We spent our first night in Kenly N.C. @ Pilot/ Flying J truck stop. Our first boon docking experience. Could not get water in our holding tank as the water lines were frozen. We lost the heater in the middle of the night because the battery went dead. Got up at 4:30am and got the generator going ( and the heat ). The low was 27 degrees, so needless to say we were excited to leave NC. The next stop was Brunswick, Georgia, ( December 13 ) another Pilot/Flying J. Another boon docking night, we were able to get water in the holding tank and enjoyed a hot shower. The nightly low was 55 degrees and it was 65 degrees when we woke up. December 14th was the last leg of the trip, arriving in Davenport about 2:00pm. Rusty came to visit us right away and spent the night. December 14th we had Rusty and Cody for the day, we really enjoyed their visit. Both had to go back as they had to go to work Monday. We look forward to spending more time with them over the next couple of months.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thanksgiving in New Jersey

We were in New Jersey again ( Thanksgiving) and the Grandchildren were dressing up in anticipation of Christmas. They had a lot of candy. Fun was had by all and the dinner was fantastic, thank you Alan and Jaime!

Monday, April 8, 2013

First Post

2013 Florida Trip with the Lloyds, Clendaniels and Andersons

We're in New Jersey and are embarking on our new blogging journey. Stay posted for more updates on our family and camping adventures!